Active Health

A Guide to Active Health Programmes in North Lanarkshire

  • Strength and Balance
  • Cardio I
  • Cardio II
  • Move More

North Lanarkshire Leisure’s Active Health Programme in partnership with NHS Lanarkshire provides a range of supported programmes to help individuals realise the benefits of becoming more physically active whilst also assisting those who are recovering from minor or even more serious illness.

The programme is delivered in two main ways:

A General Programme where individuals can access the mainstream health and fitness programmes running within Active NL Venues and a more Specialised Health Class Programme which is available to individuals who require additional specialised support in taking part in physical activity.

This booklet is for anyone who is dealing with individuals who would benefit from a reduction in sedentary behaviour, increase in physical activity or who need more specific support in taking part in physical activity sessions due to a particular health issue. The booklet may also be used for individuals who want to find out more about what support is available to them locally.


Active Health Referral Form

To download the Active Health Referral Form Active Health Referral Form (Click Here)


Active Health – General

This element of the programme is for individuals who are able to exercise independently and who may have a range of low risk health issues. These issues could be general physical inactivity, low mood, requirement to improve mobility, support for addiction challenges etc.

The programme is available in all North Lanarkshire Leisure venues and participation in this part of the programme is offered free of charge for an 12 week period, incorporating unlimited use of the swimming pools, fitness gyms and group fitness classes. Individuals will also receive a gym induction to gain an understanding of how to use the various pieces of gym equipment available.

At the end of the 12 weeks, individuals may opt to join the Access NL Membership Scheme or pay per session as they attend the venues.


Active Health – Specialist Health Classes

The Specialist Health Classes are split into 4 levels to accommodate specific abilities. All of these classes are led by fully qualified rehabilitation instructors and offer a community based supported programme following a clinical based rehabilitation. These classes are:

  • Strength and Balance
  • Cardio I
  • Cardio II
  • Back Care

Strength and Balance

The Strength and Balance classes are available for a wide range of individuals with a long term health condition(s). These sessions are most suitable for individuals who are frail, elderly, de-conditioned or functionally impaired. The classes are predominantly chair based and provide functional exercise sessions designed to encourage participants to exercise safely and progressively. Specialist Postural Stability Instructors lead these classes within selected venues across North Lanarkshire. The first 20 sessions are free of charge to participants and thereafter a £2 session charge applies. Typical individuals attending these classes may be/have:

  • Elderly
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Stroke
  • Cognitive difficulties
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease/ breathing difficulties

Individuals attending the Strength and Balance classes must be able to get to and from the venues independently.


Parkinson's  Specific classes

North Lanarkshire Council is working with Parkinson’s UK to deliver physical activity opportunities for people with Parkinson's across North Lanarkshire. Being active for 2.5 hours a week can help manage Parkinson’s symptoms, and has a positive impact on both physical and mental wellbeing. We have classes running in Kilsyth and Motherwell. These evidence based classes help maintain function, strength and mobility and can help with managing symptoms.

Classes are free for 20 sessions and £2.10 thereafter.


Cardio I

The Cardio I exercise classes are suitable for a wide range of individuals with long term health condition(s). The classes focus on improving cardiovascular fitness and include a mixture of both functional training and aerobic conditioning.

The sessions are more intense than our Strength and Balance classes and are more suited to individuals who are more independent in everyday activities. Typical individuals attending these classes may be/have

  • Cardiac rehabilitation clients
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Musculoskeletal conditions
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Stroke
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease/ breathing difficulties
  • Any other long term condition

Please note that referral to the Cardio I classes for anyone with an established cardiac condition can only be made within a 6 month period of their last Cardiac incident and following an appropriate hospital based rehabilitation programme being completed. If outwith this timescale please call 01236 341969 for additional guidance.


Cardio II

Cardio II exercise classes are suitable for a range of individuals with a long term health condition. The programme is aimed at individuals who are fully independent despite having a long term condition. The programme is more intense than both the Strength and Balance classes and the Cardio I classes.
Typical individuals attending maybe/have:

  • Cardiac conditions
  • Weight Issues
  • Musculoskeletal issues

Please note that referral to the Cardio II classes for anyone with an established cardiac condition can only be made within a 6 month period of their last Cardiac incident and following the completion of an appropriate hospital based Phase 3 Cardiac Rehabilitation programme. If outwith this timescale please call 01236 341969 for additional guidance.


Back Care

The Back Care class programme is for individuals who have chronic back issues and who may benefit from some gentle exercise to address functional strength, flexibility and core strength.

Classes are delivered on a circuit style basis so that individuals can work at a level to suit their unique needs and abilities.


Venue Day Time
Aquatec Thursday 1.30pm
Time Capsule Wednesday 9.30am
Tryst Sports Centre Wednesday 7.30pm
Tryst Sports Centre Thursday 3.05pm


For more information download our information sheet


Weight Management Programmes

With the levels of the adult Scottish population who are overweight/obese continually rising, a range of specific programmes have been developed to support individuals manage their weight.


Weigh to Go

Weigh to Go is a 15 week supported weight management programme being run in conjunction with NHS Lanarkshire.

The courses take a 3 stage approach to weight management by addressing:

  • Education around healthy eating
  • Behavioural change
  • Physical activity

Each class lasts 1hr and 30mins and is split into a 45min educational and behavioural change section followed by 45mins of physical activity.

Weigh to Go is provided free of charge for the first 15 sessions and thereafter is £2 per class.

Courses are restricted to 15 per session so pre booking is advisable.

Courses run at most Active NL Venues and up to date class details can be found by visiting


Move More (Cancer Support)

Move More is a new programme being brought to NLC venues in partnership with MacMillan Cancer Support. Cancer and its treatments can cause physical changes and dealing with these is often very stressful. Being more physically active can help individuals cope with and recover from some of these changes, including:

  • Reducing tiredness and fatigue
  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Looking after bones and heart
  • Reducing risk of a blood clot
  • Helping keep a healthy weight

The programme is a 12 week programme after which participants can be moved into the general Active Health programme or into the mainstream programmes running within the venues.

As well as the physical activity strand of the programme, you can also refer to the Walking, Gardening and Gentle Movement programmes. Referrals are made on the normal Active Health Referral Form. The 12 week programme is delivered free of charge to participants and each session is an hour and a half long.

‘ Cancer is the toughest fight most of us will ever face. But no-one should go through it alone. The MacMillan team is with you every step of the way, from the nurses and therapist helping you through treatment to the campaigners improving the cancer care.
Together, we are all MacMillan Cancer Support’


Active Age

The Active Age programme is our mainstream programme for all older adults. There is a fabulous programme of activity available at our main sports venues. These classes are low level, high energy classes and accommodate a range of fitness levels. They provide a great social experience for participants while helping them remain functional at the same time. The classes are included as part of the Access NL Membership and can also be paid for on an individual basis.



Please use the Active Health Referral Form for referrals for:

  • Active Health Programme – General
  • Active Health Programme – Specialist Health Classes (Strength and Balance, Cardio I, Cardio II, Back Care)
  • Weigh to Go
  • Move More


For more information contact:

Melanie Menzies
Health & Wellbeing Manager
Tel: 01236 341969