Tennis Coaching Lessons
NLC are delighted to be able to offer tennis sessions for all ages from 4 years old to adults.
In partnership with Tennis Scotland we are delivering our direct debit membership sessions in line with the LTA Youth Programme which further details of the session delivery for this can be seen at Tennis Lessons for Kids & Youth | Youth Programme | LTA.
Our Broadwood sessions are run in partnership with Cumbernauld Tennis Club to create a pathway from beginner level to club level Tennis.
You will see that every stage is different for our members to allow development at different stages of their tennis journey. We look to develop key motor skills in our sessions from an early age such as balance, coordination and also social skills.
In addition, we look to work on key skills of the game of tennis such as, forehand, volley, backhand and serve. We try to make our sessions all related to the game of tennis. Most importantly we want all participants of our sessions to have FUN!
Key points:
- Although we've assigned ages to each stage, this is just a guide
- We understand kids want to play in groups and with their friends, so whatever stage they start at, all kids will see progression
- In every LTA Youth stage, kids will be active, having fun and developing skills!
As part of an exciting update to our booking system, customers are now able to check availability within our tennis programme and arrange bookings at the click of a button. Please click on the link below to get started or log in to view any existing classes or progress.
In the event that you are unable to book online please contact our friendly Membership Team via the Live Chat function on our website or app, via email to or by calling 01236 341969. If the level you are interested in is not currently available, please check back with us again soon.
Sessions are available across North Lanarkshire in a selection of our venues and the age and stages we deliver sessions are listed below.
4 to 6 years old
In this stage we look to introduce tennis to our members by improving their balance, agility & coordination through tennis activities.
6 to 8 years old
In this stage our members should now notice more of a noticeable tennis approach that they will recognise. You will see the following skills now being introduced, overarm serves, volleys & rallies.
8 to 9 years old
In this stage members will now work on developing some tactics in tennis, adjusting to problems in the game & developing their sportsmanship & leadership.
9 to 10 years old
In this stage we will now see members working on their skills on a full-sized tennis court. Coaches will begin to work on members game by further developing their skills developed in previous stages.
10+ years old
10+ years old – In this stage members will now be using the same size tennis balls as the pros! Coaches will help members explore different styles on court and begin to define each members own style.
18+ years old
We offer sessions for adults to enjoy the game of tennis. Through these sessions we look to provide a fun environment for adults to learn the sport or continue playing fun competitive games to improve their existing skills and abilities. Tennis is also a great way to keep fit for adults!
A drink (water is recommended) as well as sports clothes: shorts, tracksuit, t-shirt, trainers (please dress for the weather if your session is outside). Racquets & balls are provided however, feel free to bring your own racquet.
Are you looking to join in on our fantastic tennis coaching lessons? We are delighted to make you aware that we have a free taster policy where you can try out any of our sessions for FREE. This is only valid for one session as a try before you join idea. To activate your taster session please contact and provide the following details, participant name, D.O.B, class choice (day, venue & time), emergency contact name, emergency contact phone number and the date you would like to attend.
Our direct debit sessions run over 50 weeks of the year and can be booked in via the ‘signing up’ details. Sessions cost £23.95 per month and the timetable can be seen below. For additional information on sessions that are not included in our direct debit membership please contact
Included in your monthly fee
If you take out our standard sport specific membership, you will also receive the following great benefits:

Does your child love sports? Then they'll love our new Ultimate Sports Membership.
If you take out our out an Ultimate Sports Membership, you will also receive the following great benefits.